Knapen trailer PDF Manuals

Knapen trailer Manuals PDF Free Download

Knapen Trailers K200 User Manual
Knapen Trailers K200 User Manual
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.3 MB
Knapen Trailers Exside User Manual
Knapen Trailers Exside User Manual
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.2 MB

The History of Knapen trailer

We all know that moving floor semi-trailers and Scandinavian trailers with opening side doors are, in general, two completely different things. But what if we combine these things into one whole? Well then we get the latest Knapen semi-trailer built by a Dutch company.

The universal novelty is equipped with a standard movable floor and can be used to transport bulk cargo such as sawdust or waste. To do this, open the side doors and a conventional forklift will fill this semi-trailer without using any ramp.

Knapen side doors can only be on one side: on the left or on the right, depending on the customer's wishes. But if the customer persists, then Knapen will make their own version with side doors on both sides. When opening the doors, a wide side opening is created with a length of almost 12.9 m and the roof rises by 30 cm.

An interesting point is that there are no guide grooves or fastening mechanisms at the bottom of the opening doors. Due to the absence of such a track, it will not become clogged, which will save the owner from the hassle of cleaning it. In this way, loose material residues, dirt or ice, cannot block the side doors. It seemed that the bulk loads inside the semi-trailer could create high pressure on the closed side doors, but the manufacturer claims that its top-mounted door system has been tested in Scandinavia for a long time and will last the trailer's claimed life.