Fantuzzi-Reggiane Operator Manuals PDF

Fantuzzi-Reggiane Manuals PDF Free Download

History of Fantuzzi-Reggiane

  Currently, Fantuzzi-Reggiane supplies to the world market: hydraulic port mobile cranes of the g/p up to 100 tons up to 24 m (35 tons at a departure of up to 50 m); mooring container overloads of the g/p up to 50 tons (including with a telescopic console); double -console rear rail crads for processing railway rolling stock on container terminals or work in metal loads; container pneumatic chines; frontal (stacking heights - up to 7 tiers), side and arrow (class "Reach Stacker") loaders of the G/P up to 52 tons to overload containers of all sizes and other heavyweights; portal overload (g/p up to 40 tons) and mounting taps for shipbuilding enterprises; Strings and rotary shooting rivers.


The Fantuzzi group contains, in addition to eight companies, there are also six rather large enterprises such as: Fantuzzi Lifttrucks, Ansaldo REGGIANE, REGGIANE CRANES and others.

From similar units, the Fantuzzi technique is distinguished by stable work in long heavy modes, both during loading and unloading. In addition, it is simple and convenient in maintenance and repair.


Today, Fantuzzi in its Arsenal has thirteen different modifications of richstakers, the carrying capacity of which is from 10 to 45 tons. The model range of the company is represented by seven models in two families.

The first SC family (Constatacker) is designed to work with empty or loaded containers. The second RS family (Railstacker) is adapted to work on railway and intermodal terminals and is great for loading and unloading of cargo semi-trailers.

Machines for working with empty containers are represented by one model in three configuration options: CS7.5S5, CS7.5S6, CS7.5S7. On all, spreaders with a rotation angle of 95/ +185 degrees are installed, with a lateral extension of ± 800 mm and a fixed closed cabin.


The external characteristics are almost the same and differ only in the shooting range of the arrows, therefore, the height of direct stacking. The main advantage of this “light” series is that it copes with small -tonnage work perfectly and was calculated initially as a replacement for the forklifters.

These Richskacters can easily take a container, for example, from a stack, then without maneuvering to turn around almost on the spot or drive through limited dimensions of the gate.

In addition, these machines can continue to work very calmly at a wind speed of 40 km/h, which is 6 points on the boonta scale.


In ports for processing containers, CS family machines are used, the carrying capacity of which is 42 and 45 tons. CS42 and CS45 are richstackers who have several performances. Models such as CS42KM and CS45KM have a shift cabin at their disposal.

Also, universal CoilStacker and Multistacker, which have mechanisms for capturing various tare-stumped cargoes: the lower capture of piggi-back, vacuum capture for pipes, graphs, hook, magnet, pitchfork, mechanical capture for high-length materials, are made on their weapons. Hook for Bobin.